by ILIN Advisor | 14 Apr, 2017 | Events, Front Page, News
His Excellency Mr. Enele Sosene Sopoaga, OBE, Prime Minister and Minister for Public Utilities of Tuvalu, and President of the second SIDS DOCK Assembly, to address the Third Pacific Regional Ministerial Meeting For Energy And Transport.
by ILIN Advisor | 14 Apr, 2017 | Events, Front Page, News
“Sustainable energy for the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement”
Mark your calendars and join us at Vienna Energy Forum 2017 in Vienna, Austria on 9 – 12 May 2017, to engage in a dynamic and critical debate that will shape the future energy landscape.
by ILIN Advisor | 12 Apr, 2017 | Front Page, News
Dear Readers,
Cabeólica is a groundbreaking project that stemmed from Cape Verde’s aspirations to increase wind energy penetration by promoting a Public Private Partnership (PPP) which engaged foreign investment and technical and business know-how.
by ILIN Advisor | 9 Apr, 2017 | Blog, Front Page
New Principal of the University of the West Indies Open Campus, Dr Luz Longsworth says lack of access to higher education is not only stymieing creativity and innovation, but is halting progress of brilliant entrepreneurs.
Quoting Chancellor at the University of the West Indies, Sir George Alleyne, during her induction ceremony in Belize, Dr Longsworth said there can be no economic growth without concomitant social growth.
by ILIN Advisor | 8 Oct, 2016 | Front Page, News
he Secretariat of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre presents its compliments to the States Parties and Signatory States of the SIDS DOCK, and in its capacity as Interim Secretariat of the SIDS DOCK, has the honour to announce, pursuant to the Decision of the second session of the SIDS DOCK Assembly contained in document number A/2/DC/3/Rev.1, the post of Secretary-General for the SIDS DOCK.
by ILIN Advisor | 19 Jan, 2016 | Energy, Events, Front Page
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