United Nations (UN) Headquarters, New York City, 5 October 2015
“Major UN Treaty comes into force – small island leaders say they “will not be left behind”
The 30 September 2015 is etched in the history books of the United Nations (UN), observing the triumphant announcement of the entry into force of the SIDS DOCK Treaty, and the legal recognition of this historic intergovernmental sustainable energy and climate resilience organisation established by Heads of State and Government of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in 2009, in order to help finance climate change adaptation through the transformation of their countries to low carbon economies. Against the background of the Ceremony of the Establishment of SIDS DOCK, and uppermost in the minds of the hundreds of people who packed the 500-seat Conference Room 4, of the UN’s North Lawn Building, was the terrible devastation in the Caribbean island of the Commonwealth of Dominica, caused by Tropical Storm Ericka in August 2015, which was also a historic and unprecedented hydro-metrological event for Dominica and SIDS.
For more information contact:
Dr. Al Binger, Energy Advisor, CARICOM Climate Change Centre, and SIDS DOCK Coordinator, Email:
28 September 2015, New York, USA
“Announcing the Ceremony of the Formal Establishment of Small Island Developing States Sustainable Energy Initiative DOCK (SIDS DOCK)”
The Small Island Developing States Sustainable Energy Initiative DOCK (SIDS DOCK) is an initiative among member countries of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) to provide the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with a collective institutional mechanism to assist them transform their national energy sectors into a catalyst for sustainable economic development and help generate financial resources to address adaptation to climate change.
[wpfilebase tag=file id=39 tpl=thumbnail /]SIDS DOCK DECLARATION
Contact: Permanent Mission of Dominica
+1 (212) 599-8478
19 December 2014, Vienna, Austria
[wpfilebase tag=file id=29 tpl=thumbnail /]With Austrian funding, UNIDO to help establish Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Further information on SIDS DOCK participation in the CCREEE is available at:
For more information contact:
Dr. Al Binger, Energy Advisor, CARICOM Climate Change Centre, and SIDS DOCK Coordinator, Email:;
Mr. Martin Lugmayr, Sustainable Energy Expert, UNIDO, Email:
9 September 2014, Apia, Samoa
[wpfilebase tag=file id=28 tpl=thumbnail /]Small islands crown Sylvia Earle “First Lady of the Oceans”
Further information on SIDS DOCK participation at Samoa is available at:
For more information contact:
Dr. Al Binger, Energy Advisor, CARICOM Climate Change Centre, and SIDS DOCK Coordinator, Belize. Email:; Telephone: +1 301 873-4522
Mrs. Sheikha Bundhoo, Senior Information Officer, Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Mauritius, and SIDS DOCK Communications Advisor. Email:; Telephone: +230 5728 0386
27th August 2014, New York City, New York
[wpfilebase tag=file id=24 tpl=thumbnail /]Small islands to sign historic treaty in Samoa, to help finance climate change adaptation
Further information on SIDS DOCK participation at Samoa is available at:
For more information contact:
Dr. Al Binger, Energy Advisor, CARICOM Climate Change Centre, and SIDS DOCK Coordinator, Belize. Email:; Telephone: +1 301 873-4522
Mrs. Sheikha Bundhoo, Senior Information Officer, Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Mauritius, and SIDS DOCK Communications Advisor. Email:; Telephone: +230 5728 0386
22 July 2014, Roseau, Dominica
[wpfilebase tag=file id=13 tpl=thumbnail /]Caribbean energy experts recommend creation of new Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) – A Centre of Excellence to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Industries and SE4ALL
Further information on the workshop is available at:
For more information contact:
Mr. Al Binger, Energy Advisor, CARICOM Climate Change Centre,
Mr. Martin Lugmayr, Sustainable Energy Expert, UNIDO,
[wpfilebase tag=file id=2 tpl=thumbnail /]Austria, UNIDO and the Small Island Developing States Sustainable Energy Initiative (SIDS DOCK) establish Sustainable Energy Partnership: Establishment of Regional Sustainable Energy Promotion Centres in Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific SIDS and to provide support to African SIDS
Contact: Dr. Al Binger, Energy Science Advisor, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, and SIDS DOCK Coordinator
Telephone: +011 501-822-1104 or 1094; Mobile: +1 301-873-4522
Email: or