News from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Waste Management training opportunities for the Pacific Applications are being invited by SPREP for two Train-the-Trainers waste management courses (in March and April 2013) targeting Pacific islanders. Both courses focus on developing the skills of Pacific islanders...
Pacific islands drop diesel for 100 percent solar power
Source: Alertnet // Peter Madden by Peter Madden The island nation of Tokelau switched on the third and final installment of its new solar energy grid last week, earning praise around the world as the first country to become entirely solar-powered—except it’s not a...
Low Carbon Economy in Small Islands
Belmopan, Belize: For the Cook Islands, located in the South Pacific, transformation of the energy sector through the development and deployment of renewable energy resources and technologies is not, “just an option.” According to The Honourable Henry Puna, Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Renewable Energy of the Cook Islands, “it is the only way.”
Financial Resources for Investing in Sustainable Energy Projects
What will be the sources of financial resources for investing in Sustainable Energy Projects and the role of SIDS DOCK? SIDS DOCK will facilitate funding for investment in sustainable energy projects through a combination of sources including the SIDS themselves...
How To Generate Financial Resources for Adaptation to Climate Change
How Can SIDS Generate Financial Resources for Adaptation to Climate Change through the Energy Sector and How would SIDS DOCK Help? GHG from the SIDS energy sector is estimated at 38 million tons of carbon annually. Based on projected carbon price of USD 20 per ton, a...