The purpose of the SIDS DOCK Pacific Regional Meeting is to review the work of the first phase of the SIDS DOCK Support Programme funded by the Government of Denmark and to plan the next phase. The goal is to get consensus on the SIDS DOCK Platform design in a timely manner. The objectives of the regional meetings are to:
- Agree and finalize the following: (a) National Financing Mechanism (NFM) (b) Virtual Knowledge Network (VKN) (c) Revolving Fund (RF) (d) Innovation Fund (IF) (e) Capacity Building Programme (CBP) (f) Feasibility Assessment on the long-term sustainability of SIDS DOCK (g) Country pre-feasibility studies;
- SIDS DOCK Denmark Support Programme Project Review and review of the SIDS DOCK Project Pipeline;
- Develop a 2013-2015 Workplan to inform the SIDS DOCK Secretariat’s support to the National and Regional Coordinators.
- Drafting of the follow-up proposal to the Government of Denmark.
Development of the SIDS DOCK Platform, as outlined in the Support Programme Proposal to the Government of Denmark, consists of two (2) components/outcomes consisting of six (6) activities to be implemented and completed by the SIDS DOCK Partners: the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre {CCCCC} on behalf of the SIDS DOCK Secretariat, the UNDP, and the World Bank.
Outcome 1:
Creation of the enabling environment to remove barriers and implement RE and EE measures, thus creating fiscal space for development and climate-resilient actions
Activity 1: Upstream Country Projects
Activity 2: SIDS DOCK Platform Building
Activity 3: Virtual Knowledge Center
Outcome 2:
Implementation of projects that demonstrate, develop, and deploy RE and EE initiatives within a sustainable
development context
Activity 4: Downstream Country Projects
Activity 5: Innovation Seed Fund
Activity 6: Options Paper for Revolving Fund